






The Basque Center for Applied Mathematics - BCAM is an international research center in the field of Applied Mathematics that was founded in 2008 by the Basque Government. One of its main objectives is to put mathematics at the service of society through the transfer of knowledge, extending the results of its research to sectors such as biosciences, health, energy or advanced manufacturing, and working together with local and international institutions and companies.

It currently has a staff of more than 100 researchers of 25 nationalities working in various areas, from data science or computational mathematics to mathematical modelling.

BCAM has been accredited twice in a row as a center of excellence "Severo Ochoa" by the State Research Agency, a distinction given to the best research institutions in the world in their field. 

The BCAM group that participates in PIXIL has developed a large number of numerical methods for the exploration of the terrestrial subsoil and has participated in consortiums with industry for its commercial exploitation, so its contribution is primordial for this project.

This group of researchers also leads the European project of the H2020 programme MATHROCKS to improve and exchange interdisciplinary knowledge in applied mathematics, high-performance computing and geophysics in order to better simulate and understand the materials that make up the Earth's subsoil. This knowledge is essential for the development of geothermal exploitations as considered in PIXIL.