PIXIL members participate in the virtual AGU Fall Meeting 2020 that takes place on 1-17 December 2020.
There will be two conferences from these PIXIL partners.
Authors: Octavio Castillo-Reyes, Pilar Queralt, Juanjo Ledo, Alex Marcuello, Gemma Mitjanas, and Josep de la Puente
Session Date and Time: Monday, 14 December 2020; 10:00 - 11:00 PST
Session Number and Title: GP005: Frontiers in Electromagnetic (EM) Geophysics I
Conference title: "Control Source Electromagnetic test in the Vallès Basin (Spain) for geothermal characterization: experiment setup and numerical simulations."
Authors: Dieter Werthmüller, Raphael Rochlitz, Octavio Castillo-Reyes, and Lindsey Heagy
Session Date and Time: Monday, 14 December 2020; 10:00 - 11:00 PST
Session Number and Title: GP005: Frontiers in Electromagnetic (EM) Geophysics I
Conference title: "Open-source landscape for three-dimensional CSEM modelling."